
Friday 23 January 2015

A new role

Good afternoon!
So this morning has been a rather relaxed morning at my own pace after a relatively rushed experience yesterday. One of the first things other than check my blog this morning, was to check about a play I had been invited to audition in.

The director of this play works backstage in the musical theatre group at my university, and has been around for a number of years. He is directing a one act comedy called "Captive Audience". Needless to say, when he asked me about it, I had no idea what he was talking about. But the premise for the play is actually quite a funny one. The way he described it was that the main character, Tom, is basically handcuffed to a table in a university common room by a passing drunk and spends the entire play handcuffed there while interacting with other members of the university. When I read the script online, I wasn't sure of whether my parents would be ideal recipients, should I get the lead (Which I do indeed doubt). This being due to the warning of swearing in the play. This should, I imagine be expected in a one act play about university and drunks being in it, but I'll think more on the matter I think.

The dates for the performances of Fiddler on the Roof were also revealed to be on the weekend of March 14th and 15th. Both are matinee performances, although we have been told that a performance is possible in the evening of the Wednesday before if we make good enough progress. The prospect of performing a musical in March after starting in January was always an interesting one for me but I'm hoping that all will be fine. I think it would be easier with a musical that I'm more fond of. Fiddler on the roof isn't my favourite for the music, I also haven't yet watched the film just because of the massive nature of it. I just looked at the case now and it's 2 hours 52 minutes long and from what I heard, they cut out some of the songs as well. Interesting...

I've actually just seen a facebook update from my hockey captain saying that there is a training session today from 4-5pm. I completely forgot about this because usually I don't have the time to go but I don't have an excuse today but it will no doubt be fun I'm sure, however the weather is not very pleasant at the moment so there is a good chance I will return soggy. Soon after that I'm excited to be able to do a session with Natasha where we will be making our own pizzas. We had been talking about making them all morning and I think that will no doubt be the highlight of today. We haven't decided yet if we are making our own base or not but hopefully we don't get too messy!

Anyway, I'm going to head off now and get ready for hockey. I'll talk to you again in the evening and tell you about what I've been up to.

Thanks for your time


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